Alex Persian

Alex Persian

Software Engineer

Latest Projects

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Spacegray for Brackets

I've been using Sublime Text for quite a while, and the Spacegray theme was one of my favorites. After recently switching to Brackets I was disappointed to find that this theme wasn't available. So instead I copied the original and made my own! Enjoy.

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Spotify Search - Find that Certain Song

Leveraging the Spotify Web API I was able to create an app that allows you to search Spotify's library from the browser. Along with the simple 'search by artist' it will also display clickable album artwork that plays song clips. There are related artists displayed as well that are clickable.

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Whiteboard - Brainstorm in the Browser

At work we came across a library called paper.js that allows for manipulation of elements on the canvas. This project is an extension of that library to allow for whiteboarding within the browser. Has an optional night theme.

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Multiplayer FPS - Slayer with Your Friends

Over the summer I became interested in game development, and I started working with the Unity Game Engine. This project is one of my more successful attempts to create a working game.

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Terrain - Randomly Generated Terrain

Using three.js to visualize a randomly generated terrain. This project uses multiple modified sine and cosine waves to create a randomized terrain structure. That is then displayed to the canvas using three.js.

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AJAX - Experimenting with Server Calls

Learning experiment that uses AJAX and an external API tied to a database to store information. The page is dynamically updated based on the information that is present within the database.

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Pixels - Every Image Possible

Simple canvas manipulation to cycle through all of the colors for a pixel grid. The idea for the project arose from the theoretical concept that if a pixel grid is cycled through all color combinations it will show all possible pictures.

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